Enjoy an intimate evening of entertainment amidst a quiet and remote setting under the stars. Adventure Crew Presents and Lost Trail Ski Area are collaborating to bring you Yurt Sessions: featuring singer/songwriter, Ira Wolf. Ski (or ride our Huckleberry lift) down to Lost Trail’s yurt for an evening of entertainment, food, and drinks amongst friends and some of your favorite ski runs. This is a premier event featuring wholesome foods by Kitchen Innovations and beverages by local favorite, House of Ferments. End the evening with a ride back to your vehicle via the Huckleberry Lift (Chair 3) escorted by some of your favorite Lost Trail Ski Patrollers.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/yurt-sessions-with-ira-wolf-tickets-43057623511?aff=efbeventtix